Application form for Diploma to Degree Engineering Admissions 2022
(For ACPC vacant seats only - as per ACPC directive)
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Fill in the details and click on Submit to proceed.
Fields marked with* are mandatory.
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Applicant Details
*Applicant Category
ACPC Application Number ACPC Rank
*Enrollment No School Roll No
*Name of the Candidate (As per Diploma result sheet) *Category
*Date of Birth *Student’s Email ID (acknowledgement mail will be sent to this ID)
*Student’s Mobile No Landline No
*Parent's Mobile No *Parent's E-Mail ID
*Gender Male Female Transgender
Permanent Address
*Address Line1 Address Line2
*Country *State
*City/Town *PIN Code
Academic Details
Examination University/Board Branch Year of Passing Overall Percentage/CGPA/CPI
Upload Documents
  Consent Letter/Registration Detail Letter (Generated through ACPC website) -   Browse and Attach  
 * Diploma passing Certificate and final semester marksheet -   Browse and Attach  
*Payment Details
Payment Mode: Online
Application Fee (Rs):

I hereby declare that all the particulars stated in the application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that, in the event of suppression or distortion of any fact like eligibility, educational qualifications, age, category, nationality, etc., made in my application form, I shall be denied admission and if already admitted, my admission is liable to be cancelled at any point of time, without giving necessarily any notice thereof. I also understand that the decision of the University regarding my admission is final and I shall abide completely by the decision. Further, if admitted, I promise to abide completely by the students' discipline and all other rules and regulations of the University.   

Version 15.00.01